This is a "game" for the 72nd One Hour Game Jam, for which the theme was "Creation."
WHAT TO DO: Click on the black space to create walls (green) that the player (orange) cannot pass through. The player must be able to get to the objective (blue). Use WASD/Arrows to move once in-game. It's pretty boring.
Example Level: 4,7;13,7;12,7;11,7;10,7;0,7;1,7;1,7;2,7;3,7;4,7;6,7;8,7;10,9;9,9;8,9;6,9;7,9;5,9;4,9;4,5;5,5;6,5;7,5;8,5;9,5;10,5;14,7;14,9;14,5;12,9;12,5;2,5;2,9;